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Teeth Whitening

Before and after photo of teeth whitening treatmentTeeth whitening is a very popular cosmetic procedure. No matter how conscientious a person is, over time their teeth will start to show stains. Whitening procedures can help correct and reverse that damage. Cicero Family Dental Care can talk to you about the teeth whitening procedures we offer so you can brighten your smile.

How Are Teeth Whitened?

The primary way to whiten teeth is to use some form of bleach on the enamel. In most cases, a gel is applied to the teeth that is formulated with bleach. Depending upon what whitening method you are using, that gel is placed in a tray that you then wear over your teeth for a predetermined amount of time, or our staff applies the gel by hand directly to your teeth. Once the treatment is completed, you should have a noticeably whiter smile.

Is Teeth Whitening Permanent?

No, if you have your teeth professionally whitened it does not last forever. How long the effects last is greatly affected by the person's lifestyle. People who smoke or drink coffee and red wine will not see their teeth stay white for as long. Those who do not do those things could see the results of their treatment last as long as three years.

What Can Cause Teeth To Become Discolored?

Several things can cause teeth to appear discolored. Age is one of the most significant factors in the color of teeth. As we age, our teeth start to become more yellow. This could be because enamel thins in older populations. Certain medications can also cause teeth to change to a shade of yellow. Bigger culprits are usually what we drink and our lifestyle. Smokers, coffee drinkers, and red wine drinkers will have teeth that are not as white. All of those activities will change the color of their teeth.

Can I Whiten My Teeth At Home?

There are whitening treatments sold in stores for use at home. The downfall of those products is that they are not as strong as the ones used in dental practices and can cause more issues with your teeth if used. If your teeth are greatly discolored, these products are not going to be able to whiten your teeth well. These treatments work better on teeth wild very mild or light discolorations. If you try to repeat treatment to get additional results, your teeth may start to hurt and develop sensitivity to the treatment.

Who Is A Candidate For Teeth Whitening?

Virtually everyone is a candidate for teeth whitening. People who have extremely sensitive teeth should avoid this procedure. So should people who have crowns or fillings since those cannot be whitened. Patients with activity cavities and tooth decay should also not get their teeth whitened.

Teeth whitening is a great way to return the bright white color back to our teeth. No matter how good a person is at avoiding things that discolor teeth, everyone will see their teeth dull over time. Cicero Family Dental Care can help you decide what style of tooth whitening is right for you and help you brighten your smile. Contact us today at (680) 688-6026 to learn more about our whitening services.
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